Wednesday, September 1, 2010

London Update Number 2

So London is still fantastic. Living on my own has not proved to be that difficult once I got over the initial obstacles which were laundry and cooking. I am really enjoying my classes which involve lots of field trips to super interesting places (olympic site for 2012 for instance). We have actually begun really working.
Ok, so, pictures: I've taken lots. But i'll only post the ones I really like.
Obviously, Big Ben (which is really St. Stephens tower, as Big Ben is the bell). This is at night, with the camera perched on a ledge, leveled by my strap. This is about f/11 or so, which is what gives the lights the starburst.
This is Jess. Jess is cool. I mostly included this picture because I love the actual picture. This is one of my first backlit pictures that I am truly happy with. It's also pretty cool because we are on the London Eye in this picture.
This is a tower in Brixton. Brixton is a developing area in London with a very large Afro-Caribbean population. I got curried goat at a small local restaurant there with a Guava Juice as a drink. It was delicious.
Obviously, Stonehenge. I did a little bit of editing to get the people out, but not too much. I love the colors and light in this picture.
Still stonehenge, and I really like the colors in this one.
This is a street performer in Bath. We went to the Roman Baths, which were pretty interesting. I love this picture because of the very strong contrast and silhouette that the man provides.

Thats it for now. I'm a little behind on pictures, and have more to post, but thats for another update.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

London Update Number 1

So, first update in London. Here are some pictures.
Heres a shot of the road I live on. Where I live looks just like these houses. Its amazing, the cars are amazing. I have seen every kind of nice car. Today, a Mercedes SLR Mclaren was parked behind an aston martin DB9. This happens all the time.

This is part of the group that I'm with. We're crossing the Millenium (I think) bridge over the Thames river.

Obviously, Big Ben.
Well, so far. The trip as been AMAZING. I have gotten lost a few times, and enjoyed it. Hit the pub, gotten a few drinks, etc. Email me with questions, comments, or even suggestions about what I should do.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Sorry guys, I haven't updated in a really long time. Here's a photo that I sort of found by accident. This is a 100% crop, with my 50d and 35L. I thought they had been damaged, but I guess not. This is spot on.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


So I just got back from Italy. Expect a HUGE amount of pictures from my trip. Heres one in florence with a 11-16 at f/11
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Sunday, April 4, 2010


Here's an off camera flash shot. I love it. Its from motocross the other day
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Here's a shot after a jazz show in Hartford last night. ISO 3200 f/1.4. It was dark.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This is how I feel sometimes
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rocky Hill-Brad

Here's an edit of a shot I took long ago. I made a lot of adjustments, then brought more color back to the rider. There result is sweet I think.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Here's a cool shot from a gig that my friend's Dad played. Its also cool because its one of the first raw editing jobs I'm happy with. However, I don't like the pink fringe.
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Help for Haiti

Heres a cool shot. Dave Vitola from Doc Roc and the Nunks. M at f/ 2.2 tv 125 ISO 1600. Nice result.
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Monday, February 8, 2010

Help For Haiti

Here's an image from todays Help For Haiti concert. A group of kids at school raised 4500 bucks between our high school and some local sponsors. Impressive stuff. This is Dave Vitola from Doc Roc
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Monday, February 1, 2010

Images Competition

Today I interned at the Connecticut Images competition. It was a great experience, which let me interact with some great photographers and a gallery owner. The Jurors were: David Heald, Allison Collins and Charles Hagan. It was also a valuable insight into competitions and let me look at works of some great photographers. I enjoyed it immensely. It was hosted by the Shoreline Arts Alliance

Monday, January 25, 2010

Not so much fire

This is a little rework. Opinions?
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Fire in the sky.

This is a shot from over the summer at Litchfield Jazz Festival. It rained, a lot. This is a shot during the aftermath. I love skies after bad storms.
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nature in Guilford

The 35 L can do all sorts of things. This is at f/2 I think. Really close, no crop.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

Matt at Cilantros

Here you go. This is another sample with the 35 L at f/2.2
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Thursday, January 7, 2010


I'm not sure if this photo works or not. I kind of like the tilt because at first the microphone gives you an interesting perspective. The colors are also agressive. Not sure.
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Friday, January 1, 2010

I want YOU to play jazz!

Here's another shot with my new lens. This shows how shallow f/ 1.4 really is. I also did some aggresive processing.
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