Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brad-Off Camera.

This is one of the first pictures I've taken with an off camera flash, I think the results are really cool. I did some editing in Photoshop, but the original is still stunning. I love it. There will definitely be more experimenting with it to come.
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Dara Senior-1

Here's a picture I really like from this weekend. I took some senior pictures for one of my best friends. This is with a 50 mm at f/ 2.8. I cropped it and put through photoshop and changed some colors and edited a bit.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Here is a shot from the start of the GHS soccer game a few days ago. Its a pretty cool shot.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Into the Storm - Kind of

This is a cool shot from Moto Today. They turned on the sprinklers, making it hard for the riders to get going right, but I think this shot is really cool. The rain drops make a nice contrast, and are not something you normally see.
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Friday, September 4, 2009

Here's one more.
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Turn 1

Here's another shot. I played with the processing a bit, but I think the result is appropriate for the event.
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Here's a shot from my last shoot, it was clearly motocross. This was really hard to shoot, due to the speed of the riders, however, there are several that i'm happy with. This is one of them.
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