Thursday, December 31, 2009


This is my dog, Dewey. I recently got a 35 L with all of my money, and this is one of the pictures I have recently taken with it.
I also added some Film Effect for color, I love it. Its cropped to widescreen desktop size
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Sunday, December 13, 2009


Here's a cool capture. Not much else to say about it.
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Do I Love You?

This is during an intimate moment between Cinderella and the Prince. I love the expression and composition of the photo. Once again, the processing on cinderella is meant to enhance the feeling of a fairy tale.
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Here's another nice capture. This is during the Gavotte when the Prince and Cinderella are dancing together. The processing applied is supposed to increase the sureal feel of Cinderella. Enjoy!
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Cinderella's Slipper

Now for some serious Cinderella pictures. This is Prince Charming holding Cinderella's Slipper. I'm pretty sure this was during a down time when the play was not actually going on. It is a really nice capture, however, I wish there was a bit more light source to help freeze the action of the moving shoe. Oh Well. It can't all be perfect.
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The Clock!

I love this picture. It is sort of a candid, I took it while in the Pit. This was the first take of the scene where cinderella sees the clock. Obviously, this was a humorous response. It worked.
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mo and Mike Re Edit

This is a Re Edit of the picture below. It is a more traditional black and white.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mo and Mike II

I really love this shot. This is from the actual concert, and I actually meant to frame it like this. I made a holgaesque b/w, and I love it.
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Mo Pleasure - Bass Man

The rehersal I was able to shoot at was quite an opportunity. I was given the opportunity to shoot wherever I wanted, so I got some pretty cool angles. This one is aggresively processed, but I dig it.
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Mo Pleasure-Painting

This started as a missed focus, then I reviewed the image on the LCD, made some exposure adjustments, switched to MF and came up with an image I really like. I think this image kind of looks like a painting.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mo Pleasure with Mike Frost

Here's the first of what I suspect will be many pictures from the recent Morris Pleasure show at GHS. Most of the pictures are from rehersal, this is when they are rehersing Billie Jean. This was a great experience for me, managing and meeting all of the musicians in Mo's band. I really like the composition and expression in this shot.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Coffee- Straight

Heres the same pictures Straightened.
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Coffee - Not Straight

Here's one version of a shot with a 50 1.4 at f/ 2.8. I'll post the straightened one, not sure which one I like more.
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Monday, October 26, 2009


Showmanship at its best. 'Nuff said.
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Monday, October 19, 2009

High in the Sky III

There is some pretty major processing in this one. I think the results lend themselves nicely to the overall image.
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Off flash with sky

This is a really cool shot with off camera flash. This particular area was hard to shoot due to the speed of the riders. I like some of the results though.
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Thursday, October 15, 2009


Here's a pretty cool candid shot from this past weekend at Rocky Hill. This is at f/ 2.8 on a 17-55 IS at 17mm. You can see a little vingetting, which is pretty cool for a crop camera. This is Straight out of Camera.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

High In The Sky II

Heres a repost. I edited the picture a bit in photoshop. I mostly messed with the light, but also played around with the leves a little. I like this result better.
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Monday, October 12, 2009

High in The Sky

This is Luc Cotnoir. I love this shot. The lack of ground indicates his height, and the details are clear. This is a Straight out of camera shot, and is one of my favorites from my recent shots.

Monday, October 5, 2009


What people don't often realize is that Soccer is an awesome sport to watch. There may be a bit of down time, but when action happens, emotion runs high. Here's an example of the tension on the field.
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Soccer Dance

This is a great example of a really cool photo that happened slightly by accident. Clearly, you can't predict what soccer players are going to do, but with some soccer know how you can predict the conflicts. Thats what I did here. I think the result is really cool, I think this picture came out great. I took it with a Sigma 70-200 2.8 that I was borrowing, cool lens.
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Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Shot

I really, really like the way this shot turned out. The framing makes it so interesting to look at, however I wish that the rider was more in focus. I applied some pretty aggresive processinge, but I really like the edgy look that it created.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brad-Off Camera.

This is one of the first pictures I've taken with an off camera flash, I think the results are really cool. I did some editing in Photoshop, but the original is still stunning. I love it. There will definitely be more experimenting with it to come.
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Dara Senior-1

Here's a picture I really like from this weekend. I took some senior pictures for one of my best friends. This is with a 50 mm at f/ 2.8. I cropped it and put through photoshop and changed some colors and edited a bit.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Here is a shot from the start of the GHS soccer game a few days ago. Its a pretty cool shot.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Into the Storm - Kind of

This is a cool shot from Moto Today. They turned on the sprinklers, making it hard for the riders to get going right, but I think this shot is really cool. The rain drops make a nice contrast, and are not something you normally see.
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Friday, September 4, 2009

Here's one more.
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